5 health benefits of kickboxing

By Sneha Das


Helps in weight loss

This high-intensity workout will have you in constant motion which will help you burn extra calories. It also helps speed up your metabolism.


Relieves stress and promotes better sleep

The constant movement involved in kickboxing makes you active and gives relief from stress. It also promotes better sleep which in turn improves your mood.


Improves your balance and coordination

Kickboxing will improve your hand-eye coordination as you stand and move for both right-footed and left-footed attacks while changing directions.


Improves your cardiovascular health

Kickboxing is great for your heart health and keeps cardiovascular ailments at bay. It elevates your heart rate and improves cardiovascular conditioning.


Improves muscle strength

Kickboxing helps strengthen and tone the muscles in your legs, arms, glutes, back, and core all at once. It also boosts your energy levels.

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