US military secrets at risk due to typo

By Athik Saleh


Military info to Mali

A one-letter typo has led to US military emails being sent to Mali, as people mistakenly use Mali's .MIL domain instead of the US military's .ML domain.


Decade of misrouted emails

Johannes Zuurbier, a Dutch contractor in charge of Mali's .ML domain, identified the 'typo leak.' The issue has been going on for a decade. 


Data leak

Decade-long email leak exposes US military data, such as medical records, identity documents, maps, photos of bases, and internal investigations.


Government alerted

Zuurbeir alerted the US government about the 'typo leak,' but they failed to act. He collected 117,000 emails since January.


Mali-Russia ties strengthen

With Zuurbier's contract nearing its end, Mali will have access to leaked US military emails. Mali is close to Russia. 

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