Unmissable celestial events in June

By Sanjana Shankar


Celestial wonders

June will offer great stargazing opportunities. You can observe a couple of celestial events all through the month, provided the weather permits.


Mars-Venus grouping

Mars and Venus will be visible in the evening sky throughout June and will form a close grouping with the crescent moon on June 21.


Glimpse of planets

All through the month, Saturn and Jupiter will be visible in the pre-dawn sky. Jupiter will rise alongside the crescent moon on June 14.


Summer Triangle

A few hours after dark, in the eastern sky, you can spot the Summer Triangle stars, Vega, Deneb, and Altair.


Spica and Arcturus

In the early evenings throughout June, observers from the northern hemisphere will be able to spot two bright stars, Spica and Arcturus.

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