
OpenAI wants to trademark 'GPT'

By Athik Saleh


Trademark 'GPT'

OpenAI has applied to trademark the name "GPT." If approved, it could prevent other companies from using the name in their chatbot branding.


No expedited procedure

OpenAI's application to expedite the procedure to trademark "GPT" was rejected by the USPTO due to a lack of evidence to justify the need. 


GPT unprepared success

OpenAI did not trademark "GPT" despite releasing its first model in 2018. The company was unprepared for the success ChatGPT achieved. 



OpenAI has to win the distinctiveness of "GPT" to win the trademark battle. It should prove "GPT" isn't something people associate with generative AI broadly. 


Famous name

OpenAI could win the trademark dispute by using its fame. It can argue that the popular term "GPT" is associated with the company, which is now a household name. 

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