NASA's skywatching tips for July

By Sanjana Shankar


Celestial show

July will be a month of stunning celestial spectacles. In particular, it is the best time to observe the bright core of the Milky Way galaxy.


Heart of the Milky Way

After it is completely dark, look south and you can view the core of the Milky Way galaxy, which will be seen as a faint diagonal band of light.


Night sky spectacle

All through the month, Mars can be seen along with Venus in the western sky after sunset. The duo will dip lower in the night sky as the month progresses.


Witness celestial splendor!

On July 9-10, Mars will form a close pairing with the bright blue-white Regulus star. It will be visible to the naked eye.


Jupiter and Saturn

Saturn and Jupiter will be visible late at night and in the early morning all through July. You can use skywatching apps like Stellarium to track the planets.

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