NASA Webb snaps rare sight of dying star

By Sanjana Shankar


Fading Wolf-Rayet Star

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured a dying star, called Wolf-Rayet 124 (WR 124), just before it goes out with a supernova explosion.


Observing supernova

Only some massive stars undergo a brief Wolf-Rayet phase before heading for a bright, super-powerful explosion known as a supernova.


Glow of WR 124

WR 124 has shed 10 Suns' worth of material, resulting in a characteristic halo of gas and dust that glows in infrared light, which is detectable by the Webb telescope.


Exploring supernova dust

Astronomers study cosmic dust that survives a supernova blast as it plays an important role in the formation of stars, planets, and molecules, including the building blocks of life on Earth.


Dust budget mystery

Astronomers say there is more dust in the universe than current theories can explain, leading to a "dust budget surplus" that could be better understood with the Webb telescope.


Exploring dusty environments

Cosmic dust is best observed in infrared wavelengths, which is the type of light that Webb is optimized to observe.

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