NASA extends New Horizons mission

By Sanjana Shankar


New Horizons mission

NASA plans to extend the New Horizons mission, allowing the spacecraft to explore the outer solar system until it leaves the Kuiper Belt, possibly by 2028.


Heliophysics data

The mission was initially set to end in 2024, but will now focus on gathering heliophysics data and studying the Sun's interaction with its surroundings.



Launched in January 2006, New Horizons has spent almost 15 years journeying to its position in the farthest reaches of our solar system, about 50 times more than the Earth-Sun distance.



New Horizons is well-known for being the first probe to explore Pluto up close and for its historic flyby of the planet in 2015.


Second flyby

The mission team is currently searching for a second flyby target and planning observations of Saturn and its moons.

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