Reliance Jio has launched its affordable car accessory, the JioMotive (2023), in India. Priced at Rs. 4,999, it can be purchased via Jio's official website, Amazon, and Reliance Digital.
This device offers 4G GPS tracking, real-time location, and geo- and time-fencing. It also provides vehicle health monitoring, anti-tow and theft alerts, accident detection, and a Wi-Fi hotspot.
DIY Installation
The JioMotive (2023) is designed for easy use, connecting to any car's OBD-II port without any complicated steps. No technicians are required for installation as this is a do-it-yourself device.
Using it, users can track their vehicle's location in real time on the JioThings app and create custom geofences for instant alerts. The device works exclusively with Jio SIM cards.
With its range of features and simple installation, JioMotive (2023) aims to enhance the driving experience for customers while providing an affordable solution for vehicle tracking and safety.