ISRO launches first polarimetry mission

By Akash Pandey


XPoSat launch

ISRO has launched its first-ever polarimetry mission, the X-Ray Polarimeter Satellite (XPoSat). This project aims to study the dynamics of bright astronomical X-ray sources in extreme conditions. 


Time and location

Launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 09:10am, the PSLV-C58 rocket, in its 60th mission, carried XPoSat and 10 other satellites into low earth orbits. 



XPoSat is the first dedicated satellite from ISRO with the primary purpose of investigating the polarization measurements of intense X-ray emissions from celestial sources (like black holes) in space. 


Scientific payloads

The XPoSat satellite carries two scientific payloads, POLIX and XSPECT, for polarimetry and spectroscopy measurements. 


Start-up payloads

Besides XPoSat, the PSLV-C58 also carried payloads from Indian space start-ups. These payloads aim to demonstrate microsatellite subsystems, thrusters, and radiation shield coating for satellites. 

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