
How safe are the metal health apps?

By Akash Pandey


Data Breach

Mozilla's research shows that several famous mental health apps are falling short when it comes to protecting the privacy of their users. In fact, their privacy policies are questionable.


Privacy Risk in Apps

Mozilla tested 32 apps focusing on mental health, meditation, and prayer, including Calm and Headspace. Among them, 22 were given the "privacy not included" warning tag.



Even after promising to keep user data private, some apps don't follow it strictly. The platform, BetterHelp, has been called out for disclosing sensitive user information with Facebook and Snapchat.



Mozilla researchers reveal that Replica: My AI Friend has been perhaps the worst app they've ever reviewed. It had severe security issues and failed to make it up to the minimum security standards.



Fortunately, some apps have made progress. Youper has earned the title of the most improved app of the whole lot. Wysa and PTSD Coach also turned a new leaf.

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