How China plans to build a lunar station

By Sanjana Shankar


3D printing on Moon

In order to establish a permanent base on the Moon, China plans to test 3D printing bricks from lunar soil by using a robotic "mason." 


Revolutionizing space exploration

When it comes to setting up a lunar base, 3D printing could reduce costs and revolutionize space exploration by allowing astronauts to create objects on demand.


Printing lunar bricks

Scientists are considering 3D printing bricks on the Moon using material available on the lunar surface, and a robotic mason could help assemble the printed bricks.


Lunar exploration plans

If successful, the techniques could be used to construct the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS), which China plans to build in the 2030s.


Exploring lunar depths

The ILRS project will include putting a space station in lunar orbit, a base on the Moon, and mobile lunar rovers and robots.

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