
Headlines are back on X

By Rishabh Raj


X's headline reversal

Elon Musk's social media platform, X, reintroduces news headlines next to shared links on users' post, reversing his previous decision. 


Overlay headline update

The revived headlines come with a little tweak. Now, the headlines don't appear on a separate white box like the good old days but appear as an overlay instead. 


Aesthetic change

In August, Musk had announced his plan to eliminate headlines from X, explaining that he "directly" made the decision to enhance the platform's appearance. 


Long-form content push

Musk has criticized traditional news outlets and urged publishers to share their content in long form on X instead of through links. 


Headline-featuring links

Now that headlines are back, users can post links with headline text appearing in small font at the bottom left of the image. 

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