Chandrayaan-3 mission nears the Moon

By Sanjana Shankar


Orbit reduction

ISRO successfully completed the orbit reduction maneuver on Chandrayaan-3 on Sunday. The spacecraft is now about 4,313km away from the Moon.


August 9 operation

The next operation, which aims to further reduce the spacecraft's orbit, is set for August 9. Three more Moon-bound maneuvers will follow until August 17.


Module separation

After that, the landing module, including the lander and rover, will separate from the propulsion module, followed by de-orbiting maneuvers.


Soft landing

Chandrayaan-3 is scheduled to attempt a soft landing on the Moon on August 23. If successful, it will achieve a crucial milestone.


Lunar experiments

The lander and rover are carrying scientific payloads to investigate the Moon, such as mineralogy studies and seismic activity measurements.

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