Apple may launch its mixed reality headset at WWDC 2023, for $3,000 (nearly Rs. 2,47 lakh). According to Mark Gurman, Apple has already showcased the MR device to its top 100 executives last week.
Final Step
Apple has discreetly demonstrated the headset to the highest-ranking executives several times since 2018. However, the latest preview is said to be the final step before the device's official debut.
Apple's mixed reality headset will sport a ski-goggle-like design, with a carbon fiber frame and a waist-mounted battery pack. The device will reportedly have dual 4K displays and a rotatory dial.
The mixed reality headset may get hand-eye tracking capabilities. In addition, the rotatory dial on the device will allow the wearers to zoom in or zoom out video surroundings in real time.
The mixed reality headset may house a tweaked version of the Apple M2 chipset, mated with a dedicated 'Reality' co-processor. It will boot xrOS, and feature an iPhone/iPad-like interface.
Apple may introduce its mixed reality headset at WWDC 2023, which usually takes place in June. However, the shipments of the device may begin later this year for $3,000 (nearly Rs. 2.47 lakh).