Acer has launched two new Android tablets in India, Acer One 10 and One 8. Both are powered by an octa-core MediaTek MT8768 chip and run on Android 12.
The One 10 is priced at Rs. 17,990 for its base 4GB/64GB variant, while the One 8 is listed at Rs. 12,990. The tablets are now available for sale.
One 10
Sporting a 10.1-inch WUXGA IPS display and a 13MP dual rear camera unit, the One 10 also packs a 7,000mAh battery.
One 8
In contrast, the One 8 features an 8.7-inch WXGA+ IPS panel and an 8MP single rear sensor with a 5,100mAh battery.
Connectivity options
Both tablets offer expandable storage of up to 1TB via a microSD card and support 4G (SIM), Bluetooth 5.0, Wi-Fi 5, GPS, and a Type-C port.