World's most expensive private jets

By Anujj Trehaan


Alisher Umanov's Airbus A340-300 - $400 million

Russian billionaire Alisher Umanov owns the world's most expensive private jet, a luxurious Airbus A340-300. 


Joseph Lau's Boeing 747-8 VIP - $367 million

Hong Kong real estate tycoon Joseph Lau's opulent jet ranks second, boasting a dining room, office, and master bedroom. 


Sultan of Brunei's Boeing 747-430 - $230 million

The Sultan of Brunei's extravagant aircraft features solid gold washbasins and Lalique crystal chandeliers. 


Prince Al-Waleed's Boeing 747 - $220 million

Saudi Arabian royalty Prince Al-Waleed's Boeing 747 includes multiple lounges, dining rooms, and a grand piano. 


Drake's Boeing 767 - $185 million

Famous rapper Drake owns Air Drake, a $185 million Boeing 767 with gold finishes and luxurious seating. 

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