World Tennis Day: 5 benefits of tennis

By Anujj Trehaan


Improves agility

Tennis involves constant movement, running, and changing directions. And as you play it daily, you improve your agility with running back and forth, side to side, etc in the court.


Promotes weight loss

Tennis is an excellent aerobic activity. Study reveals that obese participants who played an aerobic activity for five days a week lost weight within 10 months.


Increases motor control

Besides establishing coordination between your legs and arms, this sport also works around body rotation, body balance, starting and stopping, and movement of the core.


Relieves stress

When you play tennis, you pay attention to the ball, helping your mind stay in the present moment and avoid racing thoughts about your stressors.


Enhances flexibility

The broad movements during a tennis session lubricate your joints and strengthen your muscles/tendons, making you more flexible.

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