Why are insects attracted to light

By Anujj Trehaan


Study conducted

A recent study published in the journal Nature Communications has shed light on why insects are drawn to artificial light sources. 


Insects' navigation disrupted

The study reveals that artificial light disrupts insects' navigation, causing them to circle or dive around it. 


High-speed infrared observations

Researchers used high-speed infrared cameras to observe insect behavior in an insect flight arena and the Costa Rican jungle. 


Debunking previous theories

The findings debunk previous theories that insects were attracted to light for warmth or confused it with celestial bodies. 


Moths and flies unaffected

Oleander hawk moths and fruit flies were found to be exceptions, flying normally in the presence of light. 


Light pollution solutions needed

Further research is needed to explore the effects of light pollution on insects and potential solutions for reducing their attraction to streetlights. 

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