Ways you hurt your dog’s feelings

By Rishabh Raj


Ignoring your dog

Actions like pushing them away when they try to climb on to your lap, or keeping a straight face when they are excited around you, can make them feel unworthy of your love.


Not having enough playtime

Dogs are the happiest during playtime. They thrive on exercise and mental stimulation. You could be hurting your dog's feelings by not finding enough time to play with them.


Being inconsistent with rules

If sleeping on the bed along with you is a strict no, but some days you let them sleep, that will confuse them to the core. And eventually, they may refuse to obey you.


Laughing at your dog's fears

If you laugh at your dog when they are in an uncomfortable situation, you could be hurting his sentiments.


Using their crate as a punishment

Dogs are supposed to feel comfortable in their crate, but if you lock your dog in the crate as a punishment they will start fearing that space.

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