Ways to save energy at home

By Apurva P


Turn off appliances

The easiest and most basic step to save energy is to switch off home appliances and lights after use, including computers and devices.


Manage heating and cooling

Using energy-efficient heaters and coolers, adjusting air conditioner temperature, and turning them off when leaving can conserve energy.


Install energy-efficient windows

Tips for energy-efficient heating and cooling include closing doors to unused areas, sealing windows with curtains or blinds, and replacing single-pane windows with double-pane products.


Wash clothes in cold water

Washing clothes in cold water can save energy and extend the life of garments. Replacing cloth dryers with air drying can also help reduce energy consumption.


Saving energy in kitchen

Tips to save energy and money on appliances: ensure fridge door seal is tight, keep temperature minimum, use a microwave instead of an electric oven.

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