Unusual new year traditions from world

By Prachi Rijhwani


Danish plate smashing

In Denmark, New Year's Eve involves smashing plates against neighbors' doors for good luck and feasting on marzipan doughnuts. 


Ecuadorian scarecrow burning

Ecuadorians burn scarecrow-like effigies, año viejo, at midnight to bid farewell to misfortunes. 


Latin underwear colors

Latin Americans believe their underwear color dictates their upcoming year, with red symbolizing love, yellow wealth, and white peace. 


Spanish grape ritual

Spaniards consume 12 grapes at midnight, each representing a month of prosperity, with the grape's flavor forecasting the month's fortune. 


Italian furniture tossing

In Naples, Italy, old furniture is tossed off balconies to symbolize a fresh start, a tradition also found in Johannesburg, South Africa. 


Filipino round objects

Filipinos surround themselves with round objects for wealth and prosperity during New Year's celebrations. 


Japanese temple bells

Japanese New Year, Oshogatsu, involves ringing 108 bells at Buddhist temples to dispel evil passions and cleanse individuals from sins. 

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