Top national parks in Norway

By Apurva P


Stabbursdalen National Park

Stabbursdalen National Park offers picturesque surroundings. Visitors can go for short and long hikes and fishing in the 60-kilometer-long Stabburselva River.


Jotunheimen National Park

Jotunheimen's 250+ mountains offer hiking, riding, climbing, and skiing. The terrain is surrounded by turquoise-colored lakes, waterfalls, and rivers.


Femundsmarka National Park

The park features serene pathways around marshes and lakes, with a backdrop of low-lying hills and mountains, and trees that transform into silver-gray before falling.


Rondane National Park

Norway's oldest national park has 10 peaks over 2000 meters, valleys, and canyons, and is home to rare wildlife including raindeers, bears, lynxes, moose, musk oxen, deer, and wolves.


Forlandet National Park

Forlandet National Park offers stunning views of the sea, mountains, glaciers, walruses, and seals. Boat excursions are recommended for exploring the park.

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