Tips to resume workout after sickness

By Anujj Trehaan


Take care of your first workout

Before exercising, ensure you haven't had a fever for at least 48 hours. If you exercise while having a fever, the energy needed by your body will be compromised.


Ease back in, do not rush

Start with lesser intensity and shorter duration workout plans for the first few days after recovering from an illness. Your body may require more rest days between workouts.


Diet and hydration are important

Boost your immunity by increasing your intake of vitamin C and make sure to complete your course of medications.


Try isometric exercises

Isometric exercises involve holding the body in a position with no muscle/joint movement. They build muscular strength and endurance and are popular rehabilitation exercises.


Listen to your body

Pay attention to how you feel when you start working out. If you find yourself exhausted or achy, take that extra rest day or cut back a bit on your exercise. 

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