Tips to protect your eyes from heatwave

By Rishabh Raj


Wear sunglasses

Make sure to wear sunglasses when you are out in the sun. Choose the ones which have UV protection to prevent damage to your eyes.


Drink enough

Dehydration is a common problem during hot weather conditions, and it can even affect our eyes and vision. If your eyes feel itchy or red, it could be a sign that they need more water.


Use eye drops

If you are feeling dryness in your eyes or irritation, it might be time to use some eye drops. Of course after checking with your eye doctor.


Wear hats

Wearing a hat isn't just a fashion statement - it is also a smart way to protect your eyes from intense sunlight. It can offer extra coverage for your head and face.


Sunscreen tips

High SPF sunscreens can cause discomfort if they accidentally get into your eyes. While this doesn't cause permanent damage, it can lead to chemical burns on the surface of your eyes.

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