Split your goal

Know your goal and break it down into smaller tasks. Then, allocate a set time to each task. This will help you to work more efficiently and achieve positive results.

Make a to-do list

When you prepare a list, you prioritize work. Keep non-urgent tasks at the bottom of the list. Tick off a task after completing it to get a sense of accomplishment.

important tasks

Set a priority level for each task. Deal with
the most important and urgent ones first.
Then, schedule the not-so-important tasks
at your convenience.

Focus on one
task at a time

Multi-tasking can affect your concentration levels. Never leave a task halfway to deal with another one. Finish one first and then move on to the next task.

Take a break!

The concept of break works around the idea of giving your brain and eyes some time off.  This is how they rejuvenate and, hence, a break is absolutely necessary.