Tips to keep in mind after binge eating

By Apurva P


Mindful eating after binge

Overindulging in food can cause harm, but managing the aftermath of binge eating is possible by being mindful of certain practices.


Go for a walk

Going for a walk after overeating can aid in digestion, reduce bloating, and regulate blood sugar levels, providing physical and mental relief.


Stay hydrated

Drinking water 30 minutes after overeating high-salt, high-sugar foods, and alcohol can aid digestion and boost metabolism, helping to reboot the body and promote quick absorption.


Get sleep

After overeating, sufficient sleep helps ward off cravings. Sleep deprivation increases food intake. So sleep earlier than usual and take a short walk if needed before sleep.


Avoid skipping meals

Skipping meals after binge eating may worsen cravings and lead to another binge session. Instead, opt for a light meal to maintain balance.

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