Tips to avoid afternoon slump

By Rishabh Raj


Avoid high-carb meals

Foods rich in carbohydrates but low in protein can quickly raise our blood sugar levels, leading to a surge of energy followed by a crash. This leaves us feeling drained.


Get moving

Take a brisk walk, do some yoga poses, or switch between sitting and standing while you work. Movement increases oxygen flow to your brain, making it function better instantly.


Stay hydrated

Avoid sugary sodas and fruit juices, as they can lead to a sugar overload and a subsequent crash, leaving you feeling tired. To stay energized, drink enough water.


Listen to music

Music can influence our mood and emotions, in the same way it revs up our workout. The right kind of music can create a positive environment for us to stay motivated in our tasks.


Exposure to daylight

Daylight acts as a powerful signal for your biological clock, boosting alertness and regulating your body's internal rhythm. Soaking in the sunlight also uplifts your mood.

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