Things you do that annoy your cat

By Lahari Basu


Over-petting and hugging

Cats often dislike forced interactions and physical touch, so respect their personal space and avoid tight hugs or restraints.


Sudden and loud noises

Their sensitive hearing makes them prone to stress from loud noises, so be mindful of slamming doors or using noisy appliances.


Changes in surroundings

Cats find changes unsettling, so introduce new situations, people, or objects gradually and provide a safe retreat.


Small feeding bowls

Small bowls can hinder their food access and lead to food contamination of their whiskers, causing discomfort. Opt for shallow large bowls for food and water instead. 


Cleaning their rubbing spots

Cats rub their cheeks against objects to mark their territory with their scent. By cleaning these areas, you remove their scent, which can unsettle them.


Cat's displeasure signs

Some actions like low, rotated ears, a swishing tail, growling, and hissing, are cues to understand their discontent and maintain a healthy relationship.

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