Things to note when you plan a long run

By Apurva P


Feed yourself lightly

Eating a large meal before running is not recommended. Instead, have a carbohydrate-rich meal two hours before the session and limit protein, fiber, and fat intake.


Stay hydrated

Sipping water throughout the day is recommended to stay hydrated without getting overhydrated or dehydrated before the run. Additionally, avoid caffeinated or energy beverages.


Use the bathroom

The best way to prepare for a run is to stop drinking fluids 30 minutes before the run and make one bathroom stop. Plan your route with restrooms or carry toilet necessities.


Get your checklist ready

Preparing everything you need the night before the run can help combat pre-race nervousness. Make sure to include proper running gear, sunscreen, and water on your checklist.


Listen to your body

Runners are advised to prioritize their comfort and well-being before the run. Do some warm-up exercises, take a shower, and rest well to make yourself comfortable while running.

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