Things to do after having an oily meal

By Anujj Trehaan


Warm water

After indulging in oily meals, drink a glass of warm water to avoid gas and acidity and break down greasy foods into smaller forms for easy digestion. 


Probiotic foods

Eating probiotic foods like yogurt with roasted cumin can benefit your digestion, all thanks to the presence of gut-healthy, good bacteria in yogurt and the carminative properties of cumin. 


Green tea swap

Swap your regular chai for green tea, which contains flavonoids and antioxidants that support gastrointestinal health. 


Avoid post-meal naps

Avoid post-meal naps as they can lead to fat deposits and health issues like obesity. 


Skip cold desserts

Refrain from eating cold desserts like ice cream or kulfi as they can disrupt digestion. 

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