Sleeping mistakes that can trigger acne

By Apurva P


Not changing pillow covers regularly

Your skin is exposed to an accumulation of oil, sweat, and germs when you sleep on a dirty pillowcase. Changing pillowcases weekly or using satin covers can help. 


Sleeping with makeup on

Not removing makeup before bed blocks pores and disrupts skin repair, Thus make sure remove makeup and include mild washing in your nighttime routine.


Unhealthy sleeping habits

Irregular sleep patterns affect hormone balance and skin oil production. So remember to stick to a consistent sleeping schedule.


Sleep position matters

Sleeping on your stomach or sideways exposes your face to dirty linens, causing friction that leads to acne and wrinkles.


Keeping oil on hair

Avoid applying hair oil before bed as oil can sometimes seep from the scalp and the excess sebum can result in breakouts. Wash it off after two-three hours instead.

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