Safe ways to celebrate Holi with your pets

By Rishabh Raj


Dress up your pets

Dress up your pets in colorful bandanas, hats, bowties, or scarves made of soft and comfortable material. However, avoid using synthetic fabrics that can irritate your pet's skin.


Use organic colors

Traditional colors contain chemicals that can be harmful to pets if ingested or inhaled. Instead, opt for colors that are specifically marketed as pet-safe or organic.


Play with water

You can put water in a kiddie pool and allow your pet to play in it. Make sure the water for the play area is clean and free from any contaminants.


Food for your pets

Homemade dog biscuits or catnip toys can be great ways to treat them without exposing them to any potentially harmful ingredient. Make sure the food is safe to consume.


Keep an eye on them

Make sure your pet doesn't ingest any toxic colors or foods. If they seem uncomfortable, provide them with a calming environment and try to distract them with toys or treats.


Take breaks to check on them

Pets may become overwhelmed by Holi festivities, especially if they are not accustomed to loud noises or big gatherings. Take frequent breaks to give them some attention.

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