Reasons to never Google your symptoms

By Anujj Trehaan


You may misdiagnose yourself

Googling symptoms can lead to misleading information and wrong diagnosis. It is not possible to diagnose a disease with a five-minute web search. The content on the internet is not always reliable and credible.


Anyone can publish information online

Everyone has access to the internet. You can't vouch for the reliability of the source and credibility of the information on the web.


You are looking at generic results

When you are googling your symptoms, you are rather trying to attribute your specific problem to a universe of general information.


It can lead to anxiety or panic attacks

You get many unqualified opinions, unsolicited exaggerations, and scaremonger advice on the web. This can make you worry about a potential threat, leading you to anxiety or a panic attack.


Consult a doctor

Trust your doctor instead of that online pop-up quiz or bogus information posted on a forum.

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