Petcare mistakes to avoid this summer

By Apurva P



Follow these tip to take care of pets during summer to avoid mistakes that can harm them due to the rising temperature.


Minimal shaving

Experts advise against shaving the pet's fur coat in summer as their fur keeps them cool. Shaving can disturb their temperature gauge and natural shedding process.


Grooming tips

Avoid over-bathing pets, don't add water to their ear canal while rinsing, watch for indicators of summer allergies/parasites,  and use pet-friendly sunscreen/wipes.


Change the diet

Heat affects pets' digestive systems, add probiotic-rich and chilled foods to their diets such as watermelon, yogurt, chicken, fish, or other foods recommended by vets.


Walk pets safely

Dog owners are advised to walk their pets during the coolest part of the day, carry a portable water dish, and watch for signs of overheating.

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