Never do these things in South Korea

By Rishabh Raj


Never forget to take off your shoes

Wearing footwear inside places like churches, temples, schools, or people's homes is considered a sign of disrespect. Koreans don't like their floor soiled.

Never leave your chopsticks stuck in rice


Sticking out chopsticks straight up in a bowl of rice is considered to bring a bad omen as it looks akin to the incense sticks burned on someone's deathbed.


Never use one hand to give or receive

Using one hand to give gifts, receive business cards, or exchange greetings comes off as discourteous. Instead, use both hands as it is considered respectful.


Never start eating before the elders

It is considered disrespectful and bad table etiquette. Even if you are hungry as a wolf, wait for your elders to start eating before you do.


Never speak loudly in public

Speaking out loudly on buses, metros, restaurants, or subways is generally considered uncivil. Koreans often use their time in such places to rest after a hard day at work.

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