Natural and home remedies for runny nose

By Lahari Basu


Drink hot liquids

Drinking hot liquids can soothe your nose and throat membranes and decongest the airways. It will also hydrate your body keeping viral infections at bay.


Take a herbal steam

Facial steam can help relieve your runny nose symptoms by loosening the mucus and helping it drain out easily. You can go for herbal steam using a herb called Mayani.


Warm compress

A warm compress can give you relief by boosting blood circulation in your sinus area. Soak a cotton cloth in hot water and place it across your forehead and nose.


Use neti pots

Neti pots have a spout that flushes out the nose and sinuses. Add saltwater solution to the pot and then pour the solution through one nostril, and release the water from the other.


Maintain a sleep routine

A runny nose gets worse at night as gravity causes the mucus to pool in the head. Put an extra pillow under your head & keep a cool-mist vaporizer nearby to breathe easily.

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