Monsoon travel tips

By Apurva P


Check the weather forecast

Check the weather forecast during the travel to stay vigilant about landslides and cloudbursts, and avoid going to flooded areas.


Pack light

Pack light and bring synthetic clothes that will quickly dry. Avoid bringing expensive items that could be damaged by water. Consider bringing a hair dryer to dry clothes faster.


Avoid street food

During monsoon travel, avoid street food and unreliable water sources to prevent waterborne diseases. Always check the surroundings before eating outside.


Protect your gadgets

Keep your electronics safe during monsoon travel by storing them in waterproof bags, covers, and cases. Tape USB ports and headphone jacks shut.


Wear appropriate footwear

Invest in waterproof shoes and carry an extra pair for comfortable and safe monsoon travel. Trustworthy footwear is a must-have for hikers and trekkers. 

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