Monsoon diet tips to note

By Apurva P


Hydration is the key

Drink plenty of herbal teas and filtered water to improve digestion and immunity during the season. Water helps in maintaining a healthy gut and improves immunity.


Avoid street food

Avoid street food during monsoon due to potential contamination by insects and harmful bacteria on the roadside stands.


Be careful with leafy vegetables

Exercise caution with green leafy vegetables, as they are prone to contamination and are also difficult to be cleaned thoroughly.


Opt for soups

Enjoy hot soups, such as clear lentil or vegetable-based ones. It helps to keep your body warm and digestive system running well.


Include probiotics in your diet

Incorporate probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk, and cheese into your diet for an immunity boost. Avoid consuming them chilled to avoid catching cold.

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