Mistakes to avoid when fasting

By Anujj Trehaan


Going too extreme

Navratri fasting doesn't mean starving. Ensure you consume around 1,200 calories daily to avoid health issues.


Indulging in an intense workout

Avoid intense workouts during fasting as it can cause fatigue or fainting. Opting for moderate activities like walking or light stretches is a good choice.


Breaking the fast with unhealthy food items

Refrain from breaking your fast with unhealthy, oil-loaded foods, as it can reverse the benefits and cause blood sugar fluctuations.



Stay hydrated by tracking water intake and consuming coconut water, diluted juices, and high-water-content fruits.


Overconsumption of caffeinated beverages

Avoid tea and coffee during fasting, as caffeine can lead to acidity, heartburn, dehydration, bloating, and tummy aches on an empty stomach.

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