Life skills to master before turning 30

By Rishabh Raj


Say no respectfully

You shouldn't feel guilty about protecting your time, health, and well-being. It's okay to prioritize yourself and politely say 'no' when needed.


Learn to take feedback

It can be unpleasant to hear about our mistakes but learning to set aside your initial emotions and concentrating on the presented information can help you take feedback with grace.


Respecting others 

Each person has a unique journey through life. It is important to respect that and also value ourselves. To do that, we should try to understand how others see things.


Strictly follow a budget

It is important to stick to a budget during your 20s to handle personal finances skillfully and create savings for unforeseen circumstances.


Ask for what you want

Many people don't ask what they deserve in their professional lives. As a result, they often find less challenge, meaning, and reward in their work.

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