Know about these 5 types of sugarĀ 

By Sneha Das


White sugar

Usually produced by refining sugar cane or sugar beets, the flavor of white sugar is neutral which makes it a popular choice for sweetening beverages and baking goods that require rising.


Brown sugar

Packed with a deep, toffee-like flavor, brown sugar is made from crystalline sucrose and molasses that gives it that distinct color and taste. It also contains calcium and iron.


Cane sugar

Packed with a deep, toffee-like flavor, brown sugar is made from crystalline sucrose and molasses that gives it that distinct color and taste. It also contains calcium and iron.


Muscovado sugar

Packed with a deep, toffee-like flavor, brown sugar is made from crystalline sucrose and molasses that gives it that distinct color and taste. It also contains calcium and iron.


Coconut sugar

Packed with a deep, toffee-like flavor, brown sugar is made from crystalline sucrose and molasses that gives it that distinct color and taste. It also contains calcium and iron.

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