Hydrating summer snacks for kids

By Apurva P


Fresh fruits

Watery fruits like watermelons, oranges, and apricots are good choices to boost children's hydration levels and provide vitamins. Slicing them into fun shapes can make them more appealing.



Popsicles and milkshakes are recommended to feed kids who prefer juicy flavors. Popsicles and milkshakes provides hydration as well as nutrients to the kids.


Fruit lassi

Giving fruit-based lassi to children is recommended during summer, especially if they don't drink enough water. Papaya or pineapple lassi is suggested for added nutrition.


Vegetable salad

Watery green and yellow vegetables in mixed salad provide fiber and protein. Serve it in fun designs to make it appealing to children.


Tea party

Peppermint or chamomile teas have anti-inflammatory properties and have beneficial effects on energy for playtime, making them good options for children to hydrate.

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