7 trending dating lingos you need to know

The term combines inflation plus dating. The rising inflation has made this dating preference trendy. People are ditching expensive cafes and pubs over more budget-controlled, low-key dates.


Winter coating is when an old flame comes back to rekindle love during winter only to dump you as soon as spring arrives, just like a coat is used to cover up only during chilly weather.

Winter Coating

A wokefish makes themselves seem more progressive than they actually are so you take interest in them. They may project themselves as anti-racist or pro-LGBTQ+, to gain your attention.


Benching is a toxic trait when someone keeps you on the sidelines as a Plan B or C, just in case it doesn't work out with others.


Orbiting is when someone gradually cuts off all contact with a person they were dating, but continues to follow their social media handles and keeps interacting with their posts.


This behavior is defined as when someone who ghosted you suddenly comes back around, just like a zombie rising from the dead. Often there is zero accountability or explanation.


Groundhoggig is when you fall for the same type of person over and over again, expecting different results each time.


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