5 popular dairy beverages


Ayran is a savory yogurt-based drink that is largely popular in Turkey and Iran. Also enjoyed in the Middle East, ayran is made by mixing together cold water, salt, and yogurt.


Cholado is an icy beverage that is a blend of fruit salad, a frozen dessert, and a cocktail. Popular in Jamundí, in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, this drink is crunchy, fruity, and creamy.


Popularly consumed across India and other neighboring countries, lassi is a creamy drink prepared using yogurt, water, and spices. It is a probiotic drink that can be prepared sweet or savory.


A Mexican smoothie, licuado is made using fresh fruits, milk, and ice. Popular throughout Latin America, this drink is packed with nutritional properties and is perfect for breakfast.


Made by fermenting milk after it has been baked for a long time at low temperatures, ryazhenka is a traditional dairy drink that is popular throughout Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.