5 wholesome plant-based milks

Almond milk

Made by blanching almonds, this milk is low in calories, has less fat, and boasts a good amount of water. It's known to be packed with vitamin D and calcium, which make your bones strong.

Oat milk

Derived from whole oat grains, this milk is naturally sweet and mild in flavor. Although it has more calories and is costlier than almond milk, it is still quite loved for its health benefits.

Soy milk

This beverage is produced by grinding soaked soybeans. In terms of protein quantity, it is the closest alternative to cow milk as it features 3.4 gm of this nutrient per 100 ml.

Coconut milk

Extracted from the pulp of matured coconuts, this milk is low in carbs, calcium, and proteins but high in fats. Additionally, it is widely available and can also be made easily at home.

Rice milk

Rice milk is pretty easy to digest as it is fibrous and thinner than most plant-based milks. Rich in vitamins A, B12, and D, it's a good option if you are looking for low-fat milk.

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