5 benefits of Manjistha

Can treat diarrhea

Manjistha removes bacteria from the intestines that cause diarrhea. It works wonders in healing a specific type of diarrhea called atisara, which is an acute condition.

Helps heal respiratory issues

Manjistha heals common colds, sore throats, coughs, and flu. It also helps you breathe better as it thins and loosens rheum particles in the chest and nasal passages.

May help in weight loss

One can lose weight faster and naturally, thanks to manjistha's flavonoids and bioactive compounds. It's also rich in fiber and other nutrients that keep you full for longer.

Can promote cardiac functioning

Manjistha has cardio-tonic properties that make it useful in maintaining your heart health. It manages irregular cardiac rhythm by acting as a calcium channel blocker.

Helps improve skin health

Manjistha is used both internally as well as externally to promote skin brightening. It is also known for healing acne, skin rashes, and many skin infections.