How to surround yourself with positive people

By Rishabh Raj

Identify people with a growth mindset


Attitudes and habits are contagious. If you want to be a better person, then find someone who is a better version of you.

Let go of negative people


Think about how you feel after spending time with certain people — do you feel ready to take on new challenges or do you feel upset and not in control of your emotions?


Initiate connections

If you come across someone you find motivating, take the initiative to reach out and invite them for a cup of coffee, to a networking event, or simply to hang out after work.

Be a positive person yourself


Birds of the same feather flock together. If you yourself are a positive person, then you are more likely to attract and retain other positive people around you.

Make the decision right now


The best way to immerse yourself in positivity is to make the decision to do so - decide to raise your standards and stay committed to positivity.

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