How to reduce carbon footprint while traveling

By Apurva P


Make travel greener

To reduce overall fuel burn, choose direct flights for air travel and consider alternatives with smaller carbon footprints such as trains or buses. Use compact hybrid cars for driving.


Pack reusable items

Avoid plastic as much as you can. Carry refillable and reusable cutleries and containers to reduce waste and pollution caused by single-use plastic items.


Book hotel stays carefully

Many hotels worldwide use alternative energy sources to conserve water and electricity due to climate change. Choose these eco-friendly lodging to reduce carbon footprint.


Each step counts

Walking and biking are the best ways to explore a city without worrying about parking. It also provides exercise. Try using public transportation while traveling abroad.


Support local cuisine

Eating locally grown food benefits the environment, supports the community, and allows for a unique culinary experience while reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food transportation.

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