How to recognize true friends

By Rishabh Raj


Boundaries matter

A good friend encourages and respects your boundaries. On the other hand, a codependent friend may disregard your boundaries and even make you feel bad for having them.


You can be yourself

You feel completely at ease to express your true, quirky, and silly self around them. There's no need to pretend to be someone you are not just to impress them.


They listen

Real friends show genuine interest in your life. They actually listen to you. It's not just nodding and pretending; they remember the stuff you tell them.


'Real' conversations

A real friend will be there to discuss things like personal growth, spiritual journey, and life goals with genuine interest and without any awkwardness and judgement.


They uplift you

Unlike toxic friends, genuine friends lift up your spirits and inspire you. When you spend time with them, you can't help but leave with a big smile on your face.

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