How to prepare for a long-haul flight

By Apurva P


Comfort essentials

It is advised to bring your own cozy blanket, neck pillow, eye mask, and noise-canceling headphones for a comfortable flight as airline-provided ones might not be up to the mark.


Wear comfortable clothes

Wearing comfortable and relaxed clothing is recommended for long-haul flights. Avoid stiff, itchy, and synthetic materials. Carrying extra warm clothes is also advised.


Adjusting time zone

To minimize jet lag during long travels, adjust your sleep schedule in the days before the actual date of your trip and ensure you are well-rested before your flight.


Prepare for your entertainment

It is recommended to bring your own entertainment for flights, including movies, books, and games if you do not want to depend on the airline's in-flight entertainment.


Carry your own snacks

It is advised to bring snacks and stay hydrated during long-haul flights due to the possibility of unsatisfactory food and low moisture levels in the air.

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